The Curmudgeon


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Toddling Towards Trouble

Well, here's a thing: even after the joyful combustion of bushels of red tape, and the sacking of simply squillions of unnecessary bureaucrats, the natural party of government still cannot implement its major manifesto pledges. Tumbledown Tessie's promise of thirty days' free childcare is due to be fulfilled in a few days; but as usual nobody has bothered to work out the funding properly, and matters are not being helped by Whitehall's hideous co-dependent relationship with those new electrical computing machines. All in all, the pledge looks set to go a bit Liberal Democrat, which happens so often these days that in other circumstances it would barely be newsworthy; especially as a spokesbeing has proclaimed that compensation is available for anyone who can afford to claim it. Nevertheless, the victims in this case are not citizens of nowhere, not mere northerners in search of a handout, nor yet some uppity proles who may have thought themselves bound for the boardroom just because someone or other said so; the victims in this case are those who speak as mothers. If Tumbledown Tessie and her schoolboys cannot properly pander to breeders of new Britons, the incubators for the stockbrokers and shelf-stackers of the Recrudescent Imperium, then the natural party of government could soon start looking very unnatural indeed.


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